Rodi project invites Project Manager.
Responsibilities of the Project Manager
- Problem definition
- SDR and SRS
- Market research
- Project promotion
Rodi project creates Testing Team
Responsibilities of the Test Manager and the team
- Write test plan
- Write testing scripts
- Test and approve SW release
Rodi project invites Technical writer
Responsibilities of the Technical writer
- Corrections of the online documentation
- HTML design (future)
- Move to XHTML (future)
... or just anything you can related to the online documentation, web site, HTML, PHP, graphics, etc. etc.
Rodi network needs key server
Rodi project is looking for 3rd party which is ready to run key server for Rodi network. The service should be free
of charge. The interested party is expected to provide reasonable prooves of it's ability to keep private key and
run reliable server. Simple example of the inderface can be found
here. All required software is provided to the
interested party under GNU Public License.
Rodi network needs IP test server
Rodi network is looking for server to run simple tool collecting IP addresses of arriving UDP packets. The tool provides HTTP
interface to the database where log of packets is stored. The tool will help to find peers which are able to spoof IP packets
source address. The source code for the tool will be provided to the interested parties under GNU Public License
The team
- Arkady (Principle developer)
Send email to larytet AT yahoo DOT com
ICQ 82857660
AOL larytet
YahooID rodip2p
MSN Messenger rodiP2P@yahoo.com