If you want to download the source code for emLib or Rodiclick http://sourceforge.net/projects/rodi/ or from Rodi CVS on *nix to checkout Rodi from CVS use command
For emLib
How to use DHCP client in u-boot
If you want to watch CNN videos in Linux and FirefoxInstall GreaseMonkey extension for Firefox from http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/, open the following link in your Firefox http://larytet.sourceforge.net/betaTesting/cnnvideolink.user.js, click menu Tools/Install This User Script. you have to restart Firefox (make sure that you close all Friefox windows). Open CNN.com. Move mouse over WATCH button or any video link. In the status bar at the bottom of the window you should see link with .ASX extension. Everything is fine. Click it. Configure Firefox to open your favorite media player for ASX files. Recommended (tested) players are gxine and mplayer.Similar patch is also available for playing video/audio files from MarketWatch.com if you want avoid Windows Media Player and another script for watching video clipls on iFilm.com If you want to get rid of Google ads on all websites you visitThere is more than a couple of ways to remove Google syndication ads from the web sites you visit. One approach which i did not try is install AdBlock extension in Firefox and block everything containing 'ads'.The method i personally use requires GreaseMonkey exntension for Firefox and this script. You can try also this script http://docs.g-blog.net/code/greasemonkey/hide_google_adsense.user.js or check website http://userscripts.org/tag/google Make sure to block images from *.googlesyndication.* You will see 1 pixel image on many websites with image downloading from http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/imp.gif Alternatively you can consider using AdBlock extension and filter *googlesyndication* (see menu Tools/AdBlock/Preferencies). AdBlock prevents loading and executing JS in the first place. NAT presentation I prepared recentlyNAT presentation (PDF)NAT presentation (OpenOffice Impress) Buying EST WindRiver VisionClick ?I suggets to think again and consider cheaper and better alternatives. The software does not support 16 bits Flash devices from AMD/Spansion.Installation of Tornado on Solaris ? The whole license keys model is completely screwed. Consider to buy one Tornado seat or just a BSP package and use command line tools and Eclipse instead of Tornado II. Besides dramatic cost savings to the tune of 100s thousands USD for large software projects Eclipse (or emacs or gvim or just anything else) is easier to integrate with other applications. Every Tornado costs about what EJTAG+VisionCLICK and JTAG debugging is more reliable. if you are not looking for task level breakpoints and ready to use Windows for debug may be JTAG is a way to go. Let me repeat again - in case of Wind River System higher price does NOT buy better product. Choose products carefully, compare alternatives. Apparently WindRiver stopped (Dec 2006 ?) to support VisionClick and pushes WorkBench. The environment is Eclipse based and relatively slow, but the major problem - it costs money and licensed and protected with keys and requires e-mails to unlock and so on. Now the new probe with USB - prepare RedHat/SuSE Linux. Debian is not an option. WindRiver decided to use proprietary USB driver (Jungo ?) instead of standard open source libUSB. Jungo may be is a great company and may be their products are excellent, but unfortunately I can not compile the driver, because the driver is closed source. WindRiver could define HDI or work in simple bulk mode and use libUSB. Quick tip. This is suprisingly difficult to find good (or reasonably good) terminal emulation client able to connect to serial port. there are some freeware and shareware, but they are extremely annoying in asking money. I suggest to look for VaraTerm for Windows (Linux has not these problems - minimcom does the job just fine). Another quick tip is related to the UART driver for vxWorks and Shell. Implement ioctrl function with something returning OKs and ENOSYS. Do not skip this function. Do not try to return OK or ERROR in all cases. vxWorks Shell will display 'unknown command' every time you press a key. To Shaw Fiberlink users:I assume that the Ellacoya promise that the shaper is statefull is true. In simple terms it means that they create an entry for every established TCP connection and keep the record in the database thorugh the whole lifecycle of the connection (i have my doubts about how reliable such thing can be if they do not terminate the connection in their box, but this is separate issue and not related to the current problem). I would post on some popular website the following suggestion to all BT users who suspect that traffic shapers installed on their gatewaysTry one of alternatives
Explanation. Traffic shaper keeps/records all existing TCP connections or 'flows'. Because performance of the
box is expected to be high they probably use special kind memory like CAM. It is very fast but has limited size. Let
check how reliable the box is. I suggest to create multiple dummy TCP connections and run them in the background. You
can call it stress test. Every desktop can create about 60K connections simultaneously. i think that reasonable number
of connections somewhere on the order of 2-10K. Important ! Every connection costs may be 32-64K RAM depending on OS
and TCP/IP stack settings. In case of Windows you will need 512M RAM at least to run such number of connections without
signifcant performance degradation. Also make sure that you are not behind NAT - your IP address returned by ipconfig
command is the same as one you see here http://www.broadbandreports.com/whois
Another interesting comment can be found here http://www.internet2.edu/~shalunov/netkill/netkill.html
From Ellacoya website
From Ellacoya website
From Ellacoya website
If you use Nedstat basicand want to avoid counting your own clicks, for example, when you test the page, just block images from "n1.nedstatbacicn1.com". FireFox browser supports image blocking.If you use PuTTY Secure Copy clienton MS Windows 2000 and want to upload simultaneously multiple files the following batch files can be helpfuldeploy.bat
Download the files. Warning ! If you copy the batch files from this page remove end of line blanks if eMule download is slowcheck connection limits and set max connections to 10 or more connections for every active download you run. for example, if you see 5-6 downloads running it requires about 60 opened TCP ports.if you want to find out what IP range your ISP usefor example, my ISP (Barak, Israel) use among others range - (correct for 29 Aug 2004). How do I know that ? You can try any tracert program like Symantec Trace Attack (requires IE 5) or http://visualroute.visualware.com/ to trace your own IP address. yet another one is http://www.broadbandreports.com/whois or you can try this one http://larytet.sourceforge.net/printIp.phpClick the last line column network (in my case it was Barak I.T) You will get something like this inetnum: - netname: BARAK-11 descr: Barak I.T.C country: IL admin-c: BPT2-RIPE tech-c: BPT2-RIPE status: ASSIGNED PA remarks: Send Spam and Abuse complains to abuse@barak013.net.il mnt-by: BARAK-MNT notify: hostmaster@barak.net.il changed: hostmaster@barak.net.il 20030706 source: RIPE Obvious, right ? This is not the only range Barak has. If you want to find out all ranges belong to Barak this place can help http://www.ripe.net/db/whois-free.html (try to search for Barak I.T.C) Today's Internet is a city where a person reports social security number just to cross a road. Imagine WWW using 128 bits random keys instead of IP addresses. ISP only registers generated by the client (you) key and propagate it through the network of DNS servers. Client can generate new key every 2 hours, for example. Router is implemented as a giant (~5G entries) table which connects 128 bits key and interface. Such network would garantee acceptable level of anonimity. if you find requests to favicon.ico in the HTTP server logyou can generate such file (16X16 pixels, 16 colors) using any ICO editor or add line<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> between <head> tags in the html file(s). For example <html> <head> <title> megaBridge </title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> </head> <body> href to hopefully will redirect the browser to the local system, where borwser runs. I used this trick for embedded device with limited resources like FLASH, file system, etc. Typically WEB server will have such file. FireFox makes an attempt to download favicon.ico even if there is no any bookmark. Just the fact that you access a WEB site is enough. FireFox will use favicon.ico for the tab where the WEB site is shown. IE's (at least IE 5) behaviour is unpredictable - sometimes it will try to download the file and sometimes it will not. if you think that RIAA issues subpoenaThis is Subpoena Database Query Tool Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)if you worry about RFID TaggingVery simple device with a couple of AA batteries, capacitor and magnet can burn any chip. The idea is simple. Generate 100KHz electomagnetic field for a 100 millisconds and reasonable level of current. I am absolutely sure that i am not the only one who though about this and you can find the shematics with google. Such circuits are used in photoflash and i guess should be available in electronic store near you. Small modification - connect magnetic circuit instead of flash, and here it is - a RFID burner. The size of the device should not exceed regular palmtop. See also http://www.spychips.org/ .if you want to surf the net anonymouslyUse WiFi and any LEAP/WEP cracker. There are plenty available and some are open source (see http://blogs.zdnet.com/Ou/index.php?p=21). Read also http://assembler.law.cornell.edu/uscode title 17Online virus scannershttp://virusscan.jotti.dhs.org/http://housecall.antivirus.com/ http://security.symantec.com/ Suspect that you have hardware keylogger ?Open any active message board or news web site in your favorite internet browser. Use mouse to select and copy-paste letters when you are prompted for password or posting sensitive text.Electronic Password storageThere are devices on the market which are intended to be a electonic storage of passwords. In one i read about recently it works like this
Not to say that i do not see a better solution (see PuTTY generator, for example). I need touch sensitive screen of reasonable size - let's say 64x64 pixels. In the initialization step device prompts to draw a figure on the screen using basic shapes and choosing among predefined set of different colors. Device will use this figure (shapes, colors, size and relative location of the shapes) to encrypt all sensitive data. Every time you add new key to the store or login you have to reproduce the intial drawing.